Artificial intelligence technology is going to change the dimensions of human life and build a new material civilization. On the other hand, the progress of the Islamic revolution based on Islamic and human values, in the midst of the historical curve of decline and rise of world powers, has brought out the sparks of Islamic civilization. Therefore, the foundation of Islamic civilization in the age of artificial intelligence, considering the current conditions of human life where the virtual space has dominated the real space, requires special planning and systematization. The purpose of this conference is to examine the effects of artificial intelligence on virtual space in the direction of the realization of modern Islamic civilization, which is hosted by Allameh Tabatabai University as the mother university in the field of human sciences, with the participation of the community of developers of clean virtual spaces (FMP) consisting of concerned activists of the information technology industry with a history of .holding Seven specialized conferences in the field of virtual space will be held at the beginning of the summer of 1403.


1. AI and Cyberspace Regulation

2. AI-driven Cyberspace

3. Ethics, Religion, and Humanity in the age of AI

4. AI-Assistant and Lifestyle

5. Deep Fake Challenges

6. AI and Cognitive Science

7. The Effects of AI on Civility and Society Management

8. Employment and Wealth Distribution in the age of AI

   Important Dates
  • Paper Submission Deadline
  • Paper Acceptance Notification
  • Conference Start Date
    2024-06-23 14:30
  • Conference End Date
    2024-06-23 18:30


